Posts Tagged ‘Kassandra’

Windows Phone – Nokia Lumia 920

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

“The most beautiful thing in the world has to be the way the snowflakes gently fall to the ground, the way they softly land on your closed eyelids. They cling to your eyelids like a child grasping a mothers hand as it takes its first steps. But as I watch it melts from your

And as the snow starts falling again, it picks up speed and more and more falls. Slowly trying to cover us. You gradually open your eyes, and I wonder if you were asleep… Your eyes seem to carry the weight of grogginess. The look in your eyes told me you couldn’t tell if this was a dream or not. So, acting as though it’s a dream, I pull you towards me and kiss you for the last time. As I let you go, I feel my mind go numb as the world around me fades. And I realize if there’s any way to die, this would be it…”Being happy is like holding a baby and hearing its first laugh, it’s having a young child come up and hug you for no reason, it’s like hearing a bird sing it’s song of love, of seeing two cats curled into each other, it’s seeing two elderly people walking holding hands. It’s true, long lasting love.

This is one of the many stories I wrote with the phone during the first week I had it. It’s so easy to type in, and if you have a sudden story idea, it’s easy to record it or write a quick note to remember an idea for a story.

The camera (as you can see) is also quite fabulous, it seems to capture pictures and their best qualities and freeze them into place. It grabs perfect lighting in perfect detail mixing it together for the perfect as can be picture. The video is just as awesome. If you are like me and have an unsteady hand, it makes the video less wobbly and more sturdy so the camera isn’t shaking all around.

The editing is awesome, me being someone who loves editing pictures it’s easy, efficient and effective! It is one click away then you

Do you know that feeling you get with a new gadget that makes your tummy tingle, your brain go fuzzy and everything around you seem soo perfect? Well that feeling doesn’t fade with this phone, yes like every electronic out there, there are glitches, but this phone makes up for the glitches with making everything else perfect.have 7 or so different options for the edits.

Within a week I wrote at least 5 short stories and took about a hundred photos.

If you’re in the market for a new phone and don’t know what to look for, check this one out! It will blow your mind!


Me being silly…

During sit in protest

Group of protestors!

Kassandra being silly.